Hey, I’m Mabel. I’m a creative storyteller and photographer. Since first picking up that 35mm film camera at age 15, I’ve been obsessed with capturing a little bit of magic in a single frame. There’s nothing else quite like it.

East Coast-born, Texas-bred, and first-born daughter to Mexican immigrants, I have always been partial to the power of storytelling. Over the years, life has taught me that if you shut up and listen, you’ll learn that everyone has their own unique story to share. Once I discovered photography, I found my superpower—how to transmit the beauty and uniqueness I see in people and places to the rest of the world in a single image. With one shutter release, I can find a hidden softness, a sparkle tucked behind a quiet demeanor, a split second of uninhibited joy, or centuries of history.

Beyond a few years of learning the basics in the darkroom and Photoshop in high school, I’m mostly self-taught. I study and practice to refine my technical skills and I am driven by my own creativity and artistic expertise to direct each session. I make it a point to get to know a little bit about your story, to better capture your uniqueness, and help you feel at ease.

Since I get to dig a little into your story, here’s a little bit of mine…

Like a good millennial couple, my partner and I have two fur children, Scarlett and Kobe, who are spoiled senseless and run the show.

My travel ambitions are driven by history and culture, but mainly food.

Journaling, crafting, and baking are how I unwind. I find comfort in making things with my own two hands.

As a true romantic and lover of language, I majored in English in college. I’m also fluent in French and a native Spanish speaker. So, yes, you guessed it—words of affirmation are my love language.

Small talk, ice-breakers, and forced mingling all make my skin crawl, but I love getting into real, raw, and honest conversations with anyone who is open to it.
